

Hillfield Gardens Map

In April we visited Hillfield Gardens in the centre of Gloucester. For an urban park there was an abundance of bird song and flora and fauna. We saw bluebells, hyacinths, daffodils, forget me nots, tulips, daises and a magnificent willow tree as well a beautiful magnolia tree. We heard chiff chaffs, robins, ravens, wrens and saw squirrels running around in the grass. The history of Hillfield Gardens goes as far back as 1867 and in an Italian style. There are some historical monuments in the garden St Mary Magdalen Chapel, Scriven’s Consuit and The King’s Board.

For more information visit Hillfield Gardens Information

Accessible Information


All the paths are accessible, especially using a power chair. There are steeper inclines that a manual wheelchair may find difficult. Keep an eye out for the odd fallen tree branch and pine cones. The paths are made of compact dirt. 

Blue Badge Parking

There is no blue badge parking but you are able to park on Denmark Road. 


There are no disabled loos. The closest public loos are in the town centre approx half a mile away


There are no cafes but there are cafes in the town centre approx half a mile away. 


There are lots of benches around the whole park